Blacks Dating App

  1. Blacks Dating Apps
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BlackGentry is a new black dating app that makes it easy for you to mingle and match with ambitious and driven single Black men and single Black women. You can send direct messages, search for users, change locations and see who likes you. We verify all profiles to create a safer community. BlackGentry is the only app that targets high.

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  1. Today we are discussion the best free black dating sites and apps, specifically - the leading completely free black dating site.
  2. Africlick is the best free black dating app for black singles Africans, Caribbeans, Nigerian, Ghanaian, Kenyans.
  3. BlackCupid is a premium black dating app designed to bring black singles together for love, long-term relationships and friendship. Become a part of the most exciting black dating and black chat.
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When I was ready to date again the only viable option that I trusted online was of course RBL. I was instantly intriqued by Paris's profile on RBL and that didn't change after our first in-person meeting as we have been together ever since. Paris is everything I had dreamed of in a life companion. I know if it was not for RBL we would have never crossed paths. In Paris I found love, a helpmate and devoted partner all in one.
Never give up on love when it’s something that your heart desires. Don’t settle when you know what you deserve and be optimistic that your next date may be your last first date.

Joseph Dixon - RBL App Founder

Tiem and I officially met via RBL after Tiem sent me a message to my inbox. We began talking every day consisting of texts, phone calls, and FaceTimes. Tiem took the initiative and flew down to my hometown to meet me face to face. During the trip Tiem asked me to be his girlfriend and we made things official exactly a month after our first conversation on RBL. There was an instant connection between us since day one. We both were intentional and serious about dating, making it a very easy and successful connection. We would like to thank RBL for being a solid platform to meet real, potential matches that lead to our promising future. Stay tuned!

Stephanie Deltor

Just want to let you know that I have met an awesome woman through RBL. At times I've tried many different avenues and RBL just happened to have the woman for me so now I can happily say I now have a fiance! I am looking forward to a new life with my forever wife, so once again thank you and keep up the work you put into RBL.

LaTod and Keisha Married Summer 2019

Can you please remove my account on the site, I have found me wife!

Garfield Warren and Dr. Aprille Warren

Who would have ever thought that this time last year I would cross paths with a man that is now my husband. Keeping my heart open wasn't easy. I was at the point of trying to figure out was there something wrong with me? Why am I still single? Before you knew it there was a message that read 'Hello beautiful, are you really single?' in my inbox. The rest is History!! Kevin has truly open my eyes to love and everyday he shows me how a women should be treated. We both almost gave up but look at us now.

Mr. and Mrs. Morrow

On February 8, 2018 I decided to reach out to man that lives here in Texas on the app. On September 29, 2018 we got married! I am so glad I decided to send him a message, this is the best man I have ever come to know and I am so happy. Thank you RBL!

AppSamantha Bryant

Hello RBL! I Just wanted to take time out today to say thanks for allowing my soul mate to come into my life. Never in a million years would I have expected to meet someone so beautiful, loving, caring, smart and genuine as this young lady that's pictured here with me. Today I can clearly say my prayers have been answered. I pray that God continue to grow this relationship to its highest potential. So to all once again I say thanks and may your search for that special person one day be fulfilled. God bless!

Lorenzo Lawrence and Deborah Lewis

I met my love on the RBL app in December 2017. I must say this journey has been amazing!! We lived 13 hours apart (who say you can't have a long distance relationship). This man is not only amazing but is very special to me. He has shown me what a wonderful, respectful, loyal and decent man can be. He is everything to me. There was a time that I was skeptical about online dating but I saw an advertisement for the app and I took a chance. He contacted me within a week and we have been together every since! This past December he asked me to marry him and I said yes! God brought us together but RBL was the connection. I thank God for him every day and for what we have. I would encourage anyone to join and to be patient, as it will happen soon enough. Blessings to you!

Blacks Dating Apps

Lisa Paul Davis
I was on RBL for one week when I decided to respond to a message. I was nervous and not sure if he was real. Thankfully I did!! He was actually getting ready to end his subscription. So happy he did not. We talked on the app for a week before exchanging numbers. That was 7 months ago and I can say I have found a man who loves me, and makes an effort everyday to remind me of that. I am forever grateful for RBL and the connection. My King checks all of the boxes. I am excited to see what the future holds for us.Crystal Bryant