Over 50s Dating Agency

Carpe Diem offers bespoke introductions for the over 50's. Countrywide including London, Sussex. Over 50's bespoke introduction agency, mature partners and senior dating. Looking for introduction agencies? Carpe Diem is an an elite dating service for the over 50's. Nov 13, 2020 Dating company, Senior Dating Agency Ltd, grows portfolio with WhiteLabelDating.com following launch of a new over 50s dating niche. Established dating company, Senior Dating Agency Ltd, has launched two dating sites on a new niche designed exclusively for the over 50s market. The over 50s dating niche, powered by WhiteLabelDating.com, offers a secure online environment with optimised.

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  3. Ourtime Over 50s Dating Agency

With a plethora of dating sites for over 50s, identifying a service that aligns with your needs can often become difficult when there are so many options.

That’s where we can help. When you join The Vida Consultancy, the stress and time that comes with searching through dating apps and meeting the wrong people is alleviated through our bespoke over 50s matchmaking service. We understand the difficulties that come with over 50s dating, maybe it’s a question of not having enough time or maybe you’ve just been unlucky in relationships and looking for love in the wrong places.

With Vida Consultancy, we work with you to identify compatible matches that have the potential to turn into lifelong relationships. By now you know what you do and don’t want from a relationship and we’re here to arrange personal introductions with people who share the same core values as you.


Problems that over 50s dating has:

  • You struggle to find the time due to work, family commitments etc
  • You haven’t found the right person on any dating apps
  • You cannot seem to meet the right person
  • You’re confused or worried about using dating apps

What’s different about vida in contrast to over dating sites for over 50s?

Vida is a bespoke matchmaking service that is unlike any other. We specialise in personalised introductions that are designed to understand exactly what you’re looking for in a partner and your future relationship aspirations. Our profiling system combined with our offline network of successful, attractive and cultured people enables us to hand-pick potential matches for you to meet.

We understand that the idea of meeting someone if you’re recently single at 50 can seem a daunting prospect, which is why our matchmakers work closely with you to help hand-select appropriate matches. We are more than just matchmakers here at The Vida Consultancy, we genuinely care about each and every one of our clients and your personal matchmaker will become your confidant and friend throughout your membership and long-after.

What are the common problems people over 50 face when dating/or have become recently single?

Over 50s dating agency near me
  • Insecurity over attractiveness
  • Whether there is anyone out there for them after coming out of a long-term relationship
  • Whether they can even date, mainly anxiety around where and how to begin dating
  • Thinking they are younger than their age and not wanting to date similar ages or above
  • Worried about becoming someone’s caretaker
  • Worried they won’t find anyone
  • Feeling lonely
  • Keeping up appearances amongst a social circle full of couples

When people have been married for a long time, when they become single again they find that the whole dating world has changed. It’s a completely new dating landscape, if they were dating around 30 years ago there were no phones or online dating, and that’s all there is now.
We live in a throwaway society.

If you go back, these singletons that are now dating in their 50s were used to dating young, lively and attractive young people like themselves when they were in their 20s. Now they are looking at dating someone around their age, when in their mind they still feel like they’re in their 20s.

How is Vida’s service tailored to accommodate someone over 50?

Vida’s service is no different for someone over 50, we match based on an alignment of values and these core values are likely to be similar throughout your life, although they may change in priority depending on what life stage you are at.

People dating in their 50s may feel less pressured to get married or have children (more relevant to women), for them it can mean the dating process is slower and more about finding someone you can truly spend the rest of your life with.

What’s different about Vida in contrast to other matchmaking and dating websites for over 50s?

Matchmaking is a personalised service that is tailored to you, whereas online dating websites may use algorithms there is less precision in the matching. Vida includes a bespoke search based on an alignment of core values, we focus on finding a life time partner.

Is the matchmaking process different for people over 50? (as opposed to younger singles?)

No it shouldn’t be different for people over 50. We work with a number of clients ranging from early twenties to mid-seventies and the matchmaking process is the same.

The clients over 50 may be looking for something different, are more likely to have settled in their life, with a stable career or coming into early retirement. For these people, finding the right partner is important so that they can enjoy the rest of their lives together.

How our bespoke matchmaking for over 50s works

Best Dating Agency For Over 50s

It all begins with arranging a personalised introduction with one of our experienced matchmakers. During your introduction, you will be asked a series of questions to help identify your core values, your relationship goals, preferences and desire and your ideal future partner. When your personalised profile has been created, we will identify a compatible match through our private, offline dating network of exceptional individuals.

Each person in our network has been selected based on academic and career achievement, language, culture and travel. During your 6-18 month membership with us, we will work hard to identify compatible matches based on your requirements and relationship goals.

Through your matchmaking journey, you will form a close bond with your matchmaker, they will become your confidant and your friend. They will personally search through our offline network for potential matches that best suit your preferences and then filter them down to a select few who they believe are the most compatible.

Once we have selected your potential matches, you and your matchmaker will review the profiles and discuss whether they meet your requirements and when you would like to meet them.

Matchmaking for Over 50s

Our bespoke matchmaking service is based off three core principles:

  • Psychological Principles

Dating when you’re over 50 is very different to dating in your 20s and our psychological principles take this into account. We combine professional consultation with a foundation of psychological principles to truly get to know you. Once we have worked together to complete your private personal file, we will review profiles for potential matches. This is both a fun and important exercise to further understand the type of person you’re looking for.

  • Hand-Selected Exceptional People

Our offline private network of exceptional single men and women extends across the globe, meaning you could live in London and find a compatible match in New York. Our members are selected based on academic achievement, cultural exploration, artistic talent and career-based success. At the centre of it all, are core values. Every one of our members holds decent core values and all have one common goal in mind: the commitment to finding a partner for life.

  • Award-Winning Matchmaking

We wouldn’t call ourselves one of the best matchmaking and dating sites for over 50s in the UK if we couldn’t justify it. Since our establishment in 2011, we have won a variety of awards, all of which recognised success rate, approachability, reputation and customer service. Our current awards are:

  • UK Matchmaking Agency of the Year 2017
  • International Matchmaker of the Year 2017
  • European Matchmaking Agency of the Year 2017
  • European Matchmaking Agency of the Year 2016

Learn More About Over 50s Dating in the UK

If you’re unsure regarding what our service includes or you’d like to learn more about over 50s dating in the UK, our team are more than happy to help. Whether you’re recently single or have been unlucky in love, our warm and welcoming introduction agency is here to help you on your journey to finding your perfect partner.

We cannot wait to meet you and learn more about what you’re looking to find in a partner and how we can work together to offer you a life filled with love and happiness.For the best advice for dating over 50, arrange a personalised introduction with our friendly and approachable team today.


50s Dating Sites Free

Our need for love and a close friendly partner doesn’t depend on our age. Finding a new partner in later life can be a challenge and needs a thoughtful attitude. People who try over 50s dating admit that they are less flexible than younger people and are not ready to change their habits, life circumstances, and opinions to become more comfortable for their date. But any new person in your life will bring changes, new circumstances, and tasks.

In the Article 'Dating Over 50'

Mature Dating for Over 50s

Mature dating for over 50s gives people a good chance to postpone constriction of the living space, fading and turning into boring old men. A new partner will open new life goals and a new taste of life. Healthy relationships are key to a healthy mind and a healthy body.
Dating in your 50s after divorce or a dearth of your partner will help you to be back to normal social life, accept the existence of “happiness without ex life-partner”.
Both men and women after 50 have changes in their bodies that shift emphasis from stormy sexual life to deeper energy exchange between the man and the woman. Dating a woman in her 50s is different than dating a 30years old. Usually, the woman in that age stops fighting and hiding her wrinkles, she is able to enjoy happy life moments even being alone and do not mind soul searching. It is time in her life to “gather the crops” and get the results of her life activities – successful happy kids or good carrier or having any other experience that is in demand for society.

Dating Women Over 50

Sometimes men in that age who haven’t gained any other life achievements try to jump into relationships with much younger ladies to prove themselves they are still sexually active and are winners in life. Sadly, but such experiments usually do not last long. We can’t stop our body and soul transformation, programmed in our nature. We can only use to the fullest all advantages of our life stage we are in now. So make an effort and start meeting people of the opposite sex even if you were out of the dating field for years. Dating somebody several times doesn’t mean choosing him or her as your life partner. Relax and try to find pleasure in talking to new people in your life. With time you will understand that communication can be an entire source of energy in your life. People are social creatures, we shouldn’t be locked in the strict route of home-work-home life.
Dating women over 50 mean finding mutual emotional, mental, and soul harmony. And when you have found it, you can add sexual harmony as well. It differs from courting races with younger women - now you can concentrate on details and taste every moment together without proving each other anything.

Finding a New Partner in Later Life

Relationships in later life are wonderful but where to find a decent partner? Many cities have special clubs for people over 50 when you can meet possible partners in your age range. But if you do not like that idea, online dating can be a good alternative.
Online dating over the 50s can be successful if you know how to use such sites safely or you have somebody – a friend or a relative - who can help you with that task. If you prefer safety, use a matchmaking service that can be more expensive but will save your time and efforts - all you need is to think and write down about the main features of your future lady and professionals will find the lady who is close to your description. Do not think you will fall in love after the first date – the key feature of internet dating is trying real meetings with several members, one by one, without any fear to be rejected, to choose your true match. Do not think that dating sites for over 50s can do all your job for you and you will get a wife in the post-box. 50 plus dating sites will give you a choice of members to be acquainted with but developing communication and creating relationships will still be your part of job.

Best Dating Sites for 50-Year-Olds

What are the best dating sites for 50-year-olds? Choose those sites that can organize your meeting in real life the sooner the better and that check their members carefully before registration. Surfing on free dating sites is not an option for you, you will be overwhelmed with the number of members there with doubtful backgrounds and can be lost or cheated there easily.
Best online dating sites for 50-year-olds will suggest clear rules of membership, 24/7 online support to assist you, an anti-scam policy for your assurance, a secure payment procedure to keep your data safe, personalized service to help you with any issue. And slavicgirl.com is the site that meets all these requirements! Start your life changes for the better with us!

Frequently Asked Questions about Dating Over 50

❤️ What is the Best Dating Site for Over 50?

The best dating site for over 50 is the one that will let you into comfortable communication with ladies you are interested in, without scam and abuse messages and annoying interest from gold diggers. You can contact directly the administration of such sites, choose options you need while your personal information will stay secure and invisible for other site members. The Internet dating sphere develops fast and maybe you can find new sites that meet your requirements. Use your common sense to choose the best on the market.

❤️ Why Is Dating So Hard in Your 50s?

A mature person has his own repertoire of knowledge, views, and claims and a little wish to make any changes in this list. While the close connection with another person means a new life approach and meeting a new complete universe in the soul of your partner. If you want to be together, you have to change some parts of your mentality and be tough with those principles and views that form you as the person you are. This means relationships lead you to self-development and that is never easy!

❤️ What are the Rules for Dating After 50?

Dating after 50 can be a source of positive emotions and joy if you care to choose the right person. This will require certain efforts from your side – you should start meeting ladies and not jump into relationships with the first one you had dinner with. Take your time, choose the lady from the same social group you belong to, pay attention not only to her appearance but to her whole life – how she talks to other people, who her friends are, how she spends her holidays, what she thinks about family life and men in general.
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❤️ What Age Should a 50 Year Old Man Date?

Ourtime Over 50s Dating Agency

A 50-year-old man can court a lady of any age. But if we speak about serious commitment and less percent of parting, the most stable couples are with the woman 5-15 years younger than the man. Of course, that is cool to have a date with a 20 years old girl. But with each year generation gap between you and that girl will get deeper and one day you find yourself lonely again.